Happy Valentines Day, guys!
Go eat ice cream, make out, make out with your ice cream, whatever it is you wish to do today.
I made this thing for you:
My tablet stylus broke while I was working on it.
I was gonna call it quits but I knew you guys would be angry if I didn't make another toon. I also don't wanna go back in the box again... So I borrowed my friends Intuos1 to finish the vid! I'm still waiting for my replacement...
Anyway, as you can see I've been somewhat active.
I was on a roll in January until Spanish Class came along and tipped over my plans like a bucket of LEGO's. Spanish class is a full time job believe it or not.
I will be posting more frequently on the NGblog and making more animations.
I'll also be uploading to Youtube.
My website is near completion, all it needs is a one day push and that thing will be up and running.
I'm still starving as usual without a job, but my spirits are high and I feel awesome
making these cartoon shorts.
i don't need it, im gay but im proud of it